Thursday, September 15, 2011

Identity Theft

Identity theft, really?, really?, yes!!!, I can't believe it. I have been in bed since Tuesday evening, was super tired and was really uncomfortable in the sofa so has been sleeping and trying to pass the time.......BUT this morning 7:30 am a nice lady called from Capital One account saying that wanted to confirm that I wanted to open a bank account in Miami. Thank God she did as because of her call we look at the credit bureau and saw that they also tried to open account with Chase, with T-Mobile and with Sprint. They were not lucky with any of them but they were lucky with General Electric money credit card, I did not have an idea GE offers credit cards!!. They manage to open a $500 credit card which hopefully will be closed soon....

So Alberto and I spent most of today changing bank accounts, putting victim alerts everywhere, calling police....but I think we got it all shorted. Now....I am exhausted and going to bed early!

Alberto said that he recently has read in some article that people who have been diagnosed with some illness are targeted for identity theft so after Jeff advice I called the hospital, the health insurance and the disability insurance as all that three people have got the information use for these theft which were name, social and date of birth.

Keep your eyes open and if you can register with a credit alert, Wellsfargo offer one for $12 a month or similar and seems to be reasonable.

1 comment:

  1. ostras!! que susto no?? espero que se quede en nada!! Hay que ver la de desgraciados que hay en esta vida que se aprovechan de la gente enferma... que asco!
