Arrived at the lab at 9:45 and they did not call me for blood draw until 10:15, they were so delay that it was quite stressing. I saw Dr Chen almost at 11 more than half an hour later than expected. The lab being so slow screw up all the appointments and the clinic was like out of control. I did not speak much with Dr Chen as she was on a rush but enough to let me know that everything was ok. She called me 10 days ago to let me know that my blood sugar was high and I had to take less steroids. She thinks my high sugar is temporally as it has started only since the first Taxol session, but just in case she is doing a sugar test in two weeks and she asked me to avoid any pure sugar like desserts...I do not eat much anyway but will watch even more now.
Lorraine come with me this time and it was great as the time goes faster when you are talking to someone, she was so nice to put Sofie in daycare to spend sometime with me. Alberto always wanted to be there with me but this time Lorraine told him that she was coming anyway so he left for a few hours. Lorraine left close to 1 and Alberto come after to stay with me.
I sat on the semi-private room and 3 other girls were there with me, the 4 of us were breast Cancer patients, the younger 31 years old and the older I guess around 50. All of us were stage 2 patients (two A and two B), and 3 of us the cancer was similar in terms of size, cancer positive to progesterone, Estrogen and protein. The younger girl was triple negative which limits her the treatment options but hopefully the chemo will do the trick for her. They told me about radiation as two of them are done or almost done and both have had burns from it, I am now not looking forward to it but I am still thinking it will be an easy thing after the chemo. Both of them are doing Herceptin and one has got no side effects but the other spends about a day struggling with it.
The day of the chemo I am normally ok so yesterday when I arrived back home I was cooking so I could have some healthy dinner for last night and today lunch. Today the pain started late morning, as expected starts in my arms and legs first and I know by now that if I do not get the advil in quantity on time the pain escalates really fast, really high. I am all loaded on pain killers now so even if the pain is there I can perfectly tolerate it. Now it is just another 48 hours of feeling like this and the 7th chemo session will have and almost end for me, the rest of the week I will fee tired but nothing I can not manage.
These past few days I had a few surprises that want to mention, I had a really nice E-mail from a family old friend who is my age and had breast cancer 4 years ago. Her family was aware of it but they had not tell her anything, they are from the opinion that the less you talk about it the better for the person affected. She found out by chance and called my mom immediately, she sent me a very nice E-mail yesterday that was really nice. She knows exactly what I am going through in terms of the amount of scare that goes through your body, scare of tomorrow, scare of recurrence, scare of any signs your body gives you, scare of the love ones to make sure they are ok with the situation. But she told me that it gets better and as soon as you finish treatment you come back to normal life really soon, and it is today after 4 years that she spends days and weeks without remembering about the cancer. I really appreciated her message!.
Just come back from the clinic from my immune system shot. I asked for the latest blood final result from yesterday and my blood sugar has decreased dramatically, it is still higher than normal but it is much lower which is good. So I am just hoping that this is just temporally which I think must be as I have never had an issue before with blood sugar.