I have never introduced the last two members of the family in this block but now that they are going to be famous I think I need to put their photo here...

Thanks to Mick for giving me this special present!. The girls will have this photo on a mural display at Pet Food Express in Bascom Avenue in San Jose for a year starting any day now.... Holly was 6 this month and Neska will be 6 in January, both have been with us since they were 10 weeks old. People who do not have dogs might not understand it but for us they are our children.
Holly is like any normal dog, likes to fetch and she is really active, she stays away from Ethan but she is the first one to be next to him when he is crying. From both of them, she is the one with more emotions, when we go to Spain and leave them at the kennel, when we return she will be days without looking at us. She loves laying on the floor next to you in the sofa and she is super good with any commands. We only have got one issue with her which is that she runs to the neighbor's house if the door is open as they have got a cat. Last Sunday a car almost run over her and it was quite upsetting....
Neska is not like any normal dog at all!. I always thought that she can not hear or smell very well and even if Alberto tells me that I am wrong I still think she can not smell and hear. She is so uncoordinated, so lazy and so much drama....but she is so cute that sometimes you just laugh. Ethan does anything with her as she is fine with anyone who is willing to touch her for one sec, so she copes with Ethan for hours of hugs, play dressing and who knows what else he does with her.
Love both of them to pieces, they are my excuse to walk every day as well which is good for me.
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