Today I had my second celebration of the end of my chemo, we got together at Rosario's house over 20 of us to both celebrate this milestone but more important to celebrate the friendship that we all have.

First Rosario lives at the end of the mountain in one of the most beautiful places I have been for a long time: Woodside in California. Beautiful house with beautiful views, I think I still have not gone over the view she has from her bedroom, you basically can see all San Francisco bay area from the bed!. Everyone had to wear something pink and bring a vegetarian dish, we ate like if there was no tomorrow. From Maite's carrots croquettes, Gema's mushrooms, Damaris's pupusas to all other delicious plates we have. And of course do not forget the desserts, first we are very lucky to have Neus who does at home amazing marzipan, truffles. Of course we could not forget my favorite banana cake that Monica remember to get for me from icing on the cake in Los Gatos and Isabel flan!. After today I might not eat for a long time...or I might have to walk additional tomorrow...

Then Marcela as a good party planner had everything thought for us, she had breast
cancer ribbons ready for everyone to wear. They bought me this beautiful heart necklace as well as some vouchers that we will use on a spa day very soon....I did not expect any present so I am even more thankful that they are so generous. Marcela had made an amazing scrapbook of photos that my husband had given to her from my family and my past, from amazing quotes that will write here in the coming posts. And of course not to forget the encouraging messages that each one of them wrote for me. Ah!, and Natalia did this really nice breast cancer ribbon with dry flowers and I will buy this week a frame to put it on. Jackie was the one in charge of the speech and God did I cry!. Their words of how much inspiration I am to them is amazing, I am really happy that they follow my pain and journey that close as it helps them to slow down in their lives and appreciate even more what they have around. I will never wish Breast Cancer to anyone in this world, but I would wish for people to know that life could be hard and you never know what is around the corner so you must enjoy life and people around your life, weather it is your husband and children, or the people who you work with or your neighbors. Just enjoy every minute of your day!.
I want to write here part of a quote that it was in the book they gave me that I find very encouraging:
Remember....there is a deeper strength and an amazing abundance of peace available to you.
You will make it through this time and find joy in life again.
Life continuous around us, even when our troubles seem to stop time.
The difficult times are often the best teachers, and there is a good to be found in all situations.
Reach for the good
Be strong
And never give up.
This reminds me what Cheryl always told me when I was first diagnosed...."You are stronger than what we thought and you can go through it. This situation will change you and make you a better person", and I think everything she told me will be true.
que bonito todo!! que buen final de quimio!!...
ReplyDeleteY todas de rosita,jejejeee... estas cosas te haran recordarlo todo con una gran sonrisa.
"The difficult times are often the best teachers" me encanta.
un besote enorme campeona!!