I was just talking to Marta on the phone and told her...."put the cream on...". And yes because I did not think the burn that I have got on my armpit was going to be as bad as it is.

Everything started three days before the end of radiation, the area was getting really red and by the end of radiation the skin was peeling and the under skin was exposed. By Saturday I could not move my arm without being in agony, I had to call the Radiation department which I was really happy to have my doctor Dr Wang on call that weekend. He called me in one minute and told me that unfortunately if the area was not infected there was no much I could do apart from putting lots of cream. At this point all the creams were making the area worst so I could only was Aquaphor that I hate as it is very oily. What I have been using that has been very helpful was Domeboro solution and triple antibiotic cream and Advil. Today is much darker and better but still a pain as you can not dress as quick as you would like to...
I went to see him on Tuesday and he told me it did not look as bad as I told him!, I looked at him like...are you joking?. He thinks is not too bad. Now it is darker but still looks really sensitive and it is painful but not as much as previous days..
So....message to the ones doing Radiation and the ones that have to do it...Lots of cream, as many times a day as you can...
ReplyDeleteouch!! Eso debe ser terrible. Ay, pobrecita! Bufff al menos parece que va mjorando, no? Madre mía lo que habrá visto tu médico para decir que no esra tanto... Un besote muy, muy fuerte, niña.
ReplyDeleteTe doy un truco? Yo cuando me cojo un berrinche con los niños o me pongo nerviosa de lo mal que se están portando, canto. Sí, sí, canturreo. Lo que no sé s por qué siempre -absolutamente siempre- me sale la misma canción: "QUÉ TIENE LA ZARZAMOOORA QUE A TODAS HOOOOORAS LLOOOOOORA QUE LLOOOOORA POR LOS RINCOOOOOOOONEEEES?..." A mí me sirve de vía de escape y los que se encuentran a mi alrededor saben que meojr no acercarse a mí en ese momento porque soy una bomba de relojería. Pues tú, igual. Cuando te duela, canta. Doler dolerá igual, pero al menos sueltas adrenalina :) Ya me dirás qué canción se convierte en tu top hit.
Pues esa cancion yo no me la se pero seguro que se me ocurre otra...
ReplyDeleteHoy ya lo tengo un poco mejor pero aun bastante quemadito....
Poneros crema!!!!
Madre mia como se te ha puesto la piel!!!!!!!!! Espero que poco a poco vaya mejorando.
ReplyDeleteUn beso