Saturday, February 11, 2012

New reality

I had this conversation with my mom the other day and we did not get to the right answer....20 years ago were there so many young people sick or I was just ignorant when in my 20s and I did not realize people were sick around??. The answer from my mom in particular about breast cancer was that when she was 40 there were many people being diagnosed with breast and ovary cancer but there were normally older people. My grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 66 more or less and one of her sister had breast cancer twice on her late years but never died of breast cancer. Now a days the people diagnosed with any type of cancer are younger and younger and I wonder everyday why.

When my son was two he was sick all the time, we could not figure out why and I behaved like a paranoid mom being at the pediatrician office almost every week. We thought he was dairy allergic as he was sick every time he will drink his milk, well.....we found out after some test that he is super sensitive to beef and cow's milk, and he is moderate to high sensitive to lamb, pork and some cheeses. Have you ever heard of anything like that?. We took all meat away from him (he still eats some chicken) and cow's milk and he has been since then like a new kid.

My point is....., is it what we eat?, is it what we breath?, what is it that so many people are suffering. Having cancer has made me meet many wonderful people who I have always said are the strongest of the strongest people you will find out there. People like Ainara who at the same time she is fighting with her own cancer she finds time to battle for everyone else's. People like Blanca that while going through Chemo makes me laugh every time I read a message from her. People like Marta that even if she got sick the other day, she is my key person to talk to about our illness. People like Janire that needs a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible, just lost a close friend for the same reason but still fights like mad to make sure there is enough education in Spain about bone marrow transplant. Or people like Paule, who has gastric cancer and just started chemo last week. People like my friend Mariam who is trying to find a way to live after losing her 5 year old to cancer 6 months ago. Or people like Eva who is in Madrid next to her son Mario who 12 days ago received a bone marrow transplant and is still in critical stages. People like Eva and myself who are trying to find our way back to normal life.Why is the list so long????, was I blind before and I lived in wonderland?.


  1. Cierto, parece que algo está pasando. Aunque esto es un poco como cuando estás embarazada y nada más que ves barriguitas por la calle, o cuando tienes un bebé y sólo ves carricoches... En mi familia sí hay un amplio historial de cáncer, pero si no me lo hubieran diagnosticado a mí probablmente nunca habría sabido de tu caso, no te habría conocido, ni a Ainara, ni a Janire, Eva, Clara, Luki, Cristian y todos los demás.

    Yo no soy mucho de analizar las causas, soy más de acción-reacción. Lo mío es más adaptarme a las nuevas situaciones y si puede ser con buen humor, mejor que mejor!

    Un fuerte abrazo, Pelona. Me alegro muchísimo de poder poner una sonrisa en tu cara con mis chorradas. Solo por eso, habrá blog para rato. ¡Feliz domingo!

  2. Vaya que este mensaje es para pensar.. No se la respuesta. Mila, te queremos!

  3. El día que nos digan de dónde viene el cáncer... qué está pasando??? cada vez hay mas enfermedades raras como dices tu, y es algo a lo que estamos expuestos.

    Pero conoceros ha sido un placer, ojalá hubiese sido en una cafetería, pero ha sido así, y todas hemos aprendido un montón.

    Un besazo enoooorme!!! que ganas de conocerte en persona!!

  4. Mila,
    Thanks for sharing your site with me. I am republishing this today as a Guest Post at Being Cancer Network. I will include two links to your site as well as a link to your original post. You should see an increase in traffic. I will also be adding your blog to our list. Please consider adding Being Cancer Network to your own blogroll.

    1. Thank you very much Dennis!, I was amazed about your story and how much you have gone through and really appreciate the support you provide to so many people out there.

      I will include the link just now.
      Have a nice day
