Monday, September 26, 2011

Forks over Knives

Alberto told me he wanted to watch the film "Forks over Knives" with me so when we come back from the Oncologist clinic we watch it in Netflix. The film is about the investigation of several scientist, researches and surgeons and about the effect of nutrition on your health. I think I am still amazed about the things they were saying, even if I have already heard some of them before.

They went through History and the correlation on the years in different countries of the increase of cancer, diabetes and heart disease with the increase of dairy and meat and processed food in the diet. They walk through several studies done in China, US and other countries on this correlation and in all studies the relation is too strong to be ignored. They also discuss in detail several cancer and diabetes and other disease patient how the complete change of diet has changed his health completely.

One of the things my doctor told me and I think I have mentioned here before is that during my chemo treatment and during the next 5 years I have to avoid read meat completely and limited other meats and avoid Milk and milk related foods as much as possible. On this film they tell you exactly the same that people should reduce these food intake to a level of around 5% of your daily intake vs the current 20% on any American person.

If you have got a chance please watch this film, it might make you think twice about your daily food.

1 comment:

  1. sabes que me ha pasado a mi? Ningún médico me había dicho nada de comidas, simplemente que comiese lo que el cuerpo me pedía. Pues llevaba un mes y pico sin comer carne, porque simplemente no me apetecía, y me puse a leer y leí eso mismo. El cuerpo es sabio!! hay que escucharle mas. No es que ahora me vuelva vegetariana, pero desde luego que solo voy a comer carne cuando el cuerpo me lo pida.
    un beso guapa!!

    (se te ve genial en las fotos, espero que sigas así)
