Saturday, August 6, 2011

My First Chemo treatment

Thanks to my friends party the day before I had a decent night sleep so at least I went to the treatment with a few hour slept. I was scared to death and I was even thinking about asking them to give me a Valium of something but at the end I went with the flow and things were much easier than expected.

We arrived at 9:45 am for blood draw first, we saw Dr Chen who walk me through again what was going to happen that day. After that she walk me to the Chemo room and asked me to find a chair, yes literally find a chair as the place was packed!. I took the last reclining chair available and waited for a nurse to do something to me....Alberto sat in front of me and waited to see if he could do anything. We were really prepared, we had two ipads to watch movies, we had a snack and ice which is really good to eat while treatment to avoid mouth sores. The nurse explain me what she was going to do, she connected me to the IV through the chemo port in my chest which was almost painless, she administrated a nausea medicine and asked me to relax. Second they put on the IV a large bag of water solution, at the same time the first drug was slowly injected through one of the IV connectors. The drug was red and it was the reason why I pee red for a few hours after the treatment. After that bag was finished the second drug was put on the IV for close to one hour, it was weird as the drug hit me on my sinus, it was like I was going stuffy and my eyes were getting wet. The nurses said that they can slow it down if you can't tolerate but I wanted to get out of the place so I was fine with that speed!.

3 hours later we were at home and I was feeling great, I had lunch and I thought this was not too bad, well I talked too early as within 2 hours I suddenly got really sick with a horrible nausea. My face and body was all white, it was like the worst nausea ever but I could not be sick and lasted for almost 8 hours!. I thought great this is not going to be as easy as I thought will be, luckily that night I pee all night and the drugs started leaving my body which meant my nausea decreased dramatically and started feeling better. For the coming days I have not been too bad, had moments of extreme exhaustion and had to lay down and I had a big congestion cold which we do not know if it is coming from Ethan or is a reaction from the chemo. Apart from that I should not complain much about it, I am looking forward to feeling completely back to normal thought.

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